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Ta-lib allows you to calculate technical indicators and it’s a requirement for lots of other libraries. If you try to install just using PIP, it’ll try to pull the packet from pypi but you’ll more than likely end up with errors because of missing dependencies.

There’s 2 versions of the ta library that you need to install. There’s the original Ta-Lib, and also the python compatibility layer which is the ta-lib package for python. So, there’s the underlying library doing all the calculations and there’s the PIP library which allows python to communicate with this low level library.

Let's get started

We’re going to download the source code and compile it ourselves to make sure it’s compatible with the distribution we are using.

Step 2: Click on the sourceforge download or right click, copy link address and use wget from your terminal. You should end up with a tar.gz file.
Step 3: Unzip using tar -xvf ta-lib-0.4.0-src.tar.gz

Run an ls to make sure you have ta.lib folder in there

Step 4: Call the configure script: ./configure --prefix=/usr

If you encounter errors here, you need to replace config.guess and config.sub into newer versions with the links provided.

At this point you can call the make file with no arguments to will start the compiling process.

Step 5: Install

$ sudo make install

$ pip install ta-lib

and we're done !

Posted on August 3, 2024 in coding by henryoviedo93

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